
- Friedmann, J., Lavie, D., & Rademaker, L. (forthcoming)
“Does the Predator Become the Prey? Knowledge Spillover and Protection in Alliances”
Journal of Management - Lavie, D., & Klarner, P. (2023)
“When Does a CEO’s Risk Propensity Drive Exploration in Product Development?”
Strategy Science, 8(1), 1-23 - Lavie, D., Lunnan, R. & Truong, B. M. T. (2022)
“How Does a Partner’s Acquisition Affect the Value of the Firm’s Alliance with That Partner?”
Strategic Management Journal, 43, 1897-1926 - Keil, T., Lavie, D., & Pavicevic, S. (2022)
“When Do Outside CEOs Underperform? From a CEO-Centric to a Stakeholder-Centric Perspective of Post-Succession Performance”
Academy of Management Journal, 65(5), 1424-1449 - Naumovska, I., & Lavie, D. (2021)
“When an Industry Peer Is Accused of Financial Misconduct: Stigma versus Competition Effects on Non-Accused Firms”
Administrative Science Quarterly, 66(4), 1130-1172 - Duysters, G., Lavie, D., Sabidussi, A., & Stettner, U. (2020) “What Drives Exploration? Convergence and Divergence of Exploration Tendencies among Alliance Partners and Competitors”
Academy of Management Journal, 63(5), 1425-1454 - Hoffmann, W., Lavie, D., Reuer, J., & Shipilov, A. (2018)
“The Interplay of Competition and Cooperation”
Strategic Management Journal, 39(12), 3033-3052 - Capaldo, A., Lavie, D., & Petruzzelli, A. M. (2017)
“Knowledge Maturity and the Scientific Value of Innovation: The Roles of Knowledge Distance and Diffusion”
Journal of Management, 43(2), 503-533 - George, G., Osinga, E., Lavie, D. & Scott, B. (2016)
“From the Editors: Big Data and Data Science Methods for Management Research”
Academy of Management Journal, 59(5), 1493-1507 - Stettner, U., & Lavie, D. (2014)
“Ambidexterity under Scrutiny: Exploration and Exploitation via Internal Organization, Alliances, and Acquisitions”
Strategic Management Journal, 35(13), 1903-1929 - Zahavi, T., & Lavie, D. (2013)
”Intra-industry Diversification and Firm Performance”
Strategic Management Journal, 34(8), 978-998 - Lavie, D., Haunschild, R. P., & Khanna, P. (2012)
“Interorganizational Differences, Relational Mechanisms, and Alliance Performance”
Strategic Management Journal, 33(12), 1453-1479 - Lavie, D., & Drori, I. (2012)
”Collaborating for Knowledge Creation and Application: The Case of Nanotechnology Research Programs”
Organization Science, 23(3), 704-724 - Lavie, D., Kang, J., & Rosenkopf, L. (2011)
“Balance Within and Across Domains: The Performance Implications of Exploration and Exploitation in Alliances”
Organization Science, 22(6), 1517-1528 - Lavie, D., Stettner, U., & Tushman, L. M. (2010)
“Exploration and Exploitation within and across Organizations”
Academy of Management Annals, Volume 4, 109-155
- Lavie, D., Pollicino, O., & Valletti, T. (forthcoming)
“Certification of Business Practices and Algorithms as a Complementary Approach to Platform Regulation”
Academy of Management Perspectives - Friedmann, J., Lavie, D., & Rademaker, L. (forthcoming)
“Does the Predator Become the Prey? Knowledge Spillover and Protection in Alliances”
Journal of Management - Friedmann, J., Lavie, D., Rademaker, L., & Shipilov, A. (forthcoming)
“Beware of the Predator! The Hidden Battle for IP Protection in Alliances”
MIT Sloan Management Review - Drori, I., & Lavie, D. (2024)
“How Do Innovation Ecosystems Emerge? The Case of Nanotechnology in Israel”
Journal of Management Studies, 61(8), 3754-3786 - Lavie, D. (2024)
“Theoretical Foundation for The Study of Competition Networks and Their Performance Implications”
Strategic Management Review, 5(3), 203-239 - Lavie, D., & Klarner, P. (2023)
“When Does a CEO’s Risk Propensity Drive Exploration in Product Development?”
Strategy Science, 8(1), 1-23 - Lavie, D., Lunnan, R., & Truong, B. M. T. (2022)
“How Does a Partner’s Acquisition Affect the Value of the Firm’s Alliance with That Partner?”
Strategic Management Journal, 43, 1897-1926 - Keil, T., Lavie, D., & Pavicevic, S. (2022)
“When Do Outside CEOs Underperform? From a CEO-Centric to a Stakeholder-Centric Perspective of Post-Succession Performance”
Academy of Management Journal, 65(5), 1424-1449 - Naumovska, I., & Lavie, D. (2021)
“When an Industry Peer Is Accused of Financial Misconduct: Stigma versus Competition Effects on Non-Accused Firms”
Administrative Science Quarterly, 66(4), 1130-1172 - Duysters, G., Lavie, D., Sabidussi, A., & Stettner, U., (2020)
“What Drives Exploration? Convergence and Divergence of Exploration Tendencies among Alliance Partners and Competitors”
Academy of Management Journal, 63(5), 1425-1454 - Findikoglu, M., & Lavie, D. (2019)
“The Contingent Value of the Dedicated Alliance Function”
Strategic Organization, 17(2), 177-209 - Hoffmann, W., Lavie, D., Reuer, J., & Shipilov, A. (2018)
“The Interplay of Competition and Cooperation”
Strategic Management Journal, 39(12), 3033-3052 - Wilden, R., Hohberger, J., Devinney, T., & Lavie, D. (2018)
“Revisiting James March (1991): Whither Exploration and Exploitation?”
Strategic Organization, 16(3), 352-369 - Capaldo, A., Lavie, D., & Petruzzelli, A. M. (2017)
“Knowledge Maturity and the Scientific Value of Innovation: The Roles of Knowledge Distance and Diffusion”
Journal of Management, 43(2), 503-533 - Dothan, A., & Lavie, D. (2016)
“Resource Reconfiguration: Learning from Performance Feedback”
Advances in Strategic Management Volume on “Resource Redeployment and Corporate Strategy”, 319-369 - George, G., Osinga, E., Lavie, D., & Scott, B. (2016)
“From the Editors: Big Data and Data Science Methods for Management Research”
Academy of management Journal, 59(5), 1493-1507 - Miller, S., Lavie, D., & Delios, A. (2016)
“International Intensity, Diversity, and Distance: Unpacking the Internationalization-Performance Relationship”
International Business Review, 25(4), 907-920 - Stettner, U., & Lavie, D. (2014)
“Ambidexterity under Scrutiny: Exploration and Exploitation via Internal Organization, Alliances, and Acquisitions”
Strategic Management Journal, 35(13), 1903-1929 - Zahavi, T., & Lavie, D. (2013)
”Intra-industry Diversification and Firm Performance”
Strategic Management Journal., 34(8), 978-998 - Lavie, D., Haunschild, R. P., & Khanna, P. (2012)
“Interorganizational Differences, Relational Mechanisms, and Alliance Performance”
Strategic Management Journal, 33(12), 1453-1479 - Lavie, D. (2012)
“The Case for a Process Theory of Resource Accumulation and Deployment”
Strategic Organization, 10(3), 316-323 - Lavie, D., & Singh, H. (2012)
“The Evolution of Alliance Portfolios: The Case of Unisys”
Industrial and Corporate Change, 21(3), 763-809 - Lavie, D., & Drori, I. (2012)
”Collaborating for Knowledge Creation and Application: The Case of Nanotechnology Research Programs”
Organization Science, 23(3), 704-724 - Lavie, D., Kang, J., & Rosenkopf, L. (2011)
“Balance Within and Across Domains: The Performance Implications of Exploration and Exploitation in Alliances”
Organization Science, 22(6), 1517-1528 - Gulati, R., Lavie, D., & Madhavan, R. (2011)
“How Do Networks Matter? The Performance Effects of Interorganizational Networks”
Research in Organizational Behavior, 31, 207-224 - Lavie, D., Stettner, U., & Tushman, L. M. (2010)
“Exploration and Exploitation within and across Organizations”
Academy of Management Annals, 4, 109-155 - Dushnitsky, G., & Lavie, D. (2010)
“How Alliance Formation Shapes Corporate Venture Capital Investment: A Resource-Based Perspective”
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 4(1), 22-48 - Gulati, R., Lavie, D., & Singh, H. (2009)
“The Nature of Partnering Experience and the Gains from Alliances”
Strategic Management Journal, 30(11), 1213-1233 - Lavie, D. (2009)
“Capturing Value from Alliance Portfolios”
Organizational Dynamics, 38(1), 26-36 - Lavie, D., & Miller, R. S. (2008)
“Alliance Portfolio Internationalization and Firm Performance”
Organization Science, 19(4), 623-646 - Lavie, D. (2008)
“Network Resources: Toward a New Social Network Perspective”
Academy of Management Review, 33(2), 546-550 (Book Review Symposium: Managing Network Resources by Ranjay Gulati, New York: Oxford University Press, 2007) - Lavie, D. (2007)
“Alliance Portfolios and Firm Performance: A Study of Value Creation and Appropriation in the U.S. Software Industry”
Strategic Management Journal, 28(12), 1187-1212 (Winner of the William H. Newman Award for Best Paper based on a Dissertation, Academy of Management 2007) - Lavie, D., Lechner, C., & Singh, H. (2007)
“The Performance Implications of Timing of Entry and Involvement in Multi-Partner Alliances”
Academy of Management Journal, 50(3), 578-604 - Lavie, D., & Rosenkopf, L. (2006)
“Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in Alliance Formation”
Academy of Management Journal, 49(6), 797-818. (Special Topic Forum on “Managing Exploration and Exploitation”) - Lavie, D. (2006)
“The Competitive Advantage of Interconnected Firms: An Extension of the Resource-Based View”
Academy of Management Review, 31(3), 638-658. (Special Topic Forum on “Building Effective Networks”) - Lavie, D. (2006)
“Capability Reconfiguration: An Analysis of Incumbent Responses to Technological Change”
Academy of Management Review, 31(1), 153-174 - Fiegenbaum, A., Lavie, D., & Shoham, A. (2004)
“Multinational Corporations in Foreign Markets: Theoretical Extensions and the Israeli Experience During the Mid 1990’s”
Management International Review, 44(3): 261-284 - Lavie, D., & Fiegenbaum, A. (2003)
“The Dominant Strategic Positioning of Foreign MNCs: A Typological Approach and the Experience of Israeli Industries”
Journal of Business Research, 56: 805-814 - Lavie, D., & Fiegenbaum, A. (2000)
“Domestic Firms’ Strategic Reaction to Foreign MNC Dominance: The Israeli Experience”
Long Range Planning, 33(5): 651-672 - Fiegenbaum, A., & Lavie, D. (2000)
“Strategic Management of MNCs’ Entry into Foreign Markets: Experience of Israel in the 1990s”
European Management Journal, 18 (1): 93-105
- Lavie, D. (2024)
“The Dominance of Big Tech Platforms: Should We Revisit the Principles of Strategy?”
In Hauk, A.L, Larsen, M., Leiblein, M., & Reuer, J. (Eds.)
Strategy in a Turbulent Era.
Edward Elgar Publishing, Chapter 11, 231-252 - Lavie, D. (2021)
“Alliances and Networks”
In Hitt, M. A., Lyles, M., & Duhaime, I. M. (Eds.)
Strategic Management: State of the Field and Its Future – Oxford University Press - Child J., Durand, R., & Lavie, D. (2021)
“Competitive and Cooperative Strategy”
In Hitt, M. A., Lyles, M., & Duhaime, I. M. (Eds.)
Strategic Management: State of the Field and Its Future – Oxford University Press - Findikoglu, M.e & Lavie, D. (2019)
“Dedicated Alliance Function vs. Partner-Specific Experience: Alternative Mechanisms for Managing Interpartner Risk in Strategic Alliances”
In T. K. Das (Ed.) Managing Interpartner Risks in Strategic Alliances. Charlotte, NC.
Information Age Publishing - Amir, Y., Lavie, D., & Hashai, N. (2019)
“Multi-market Competition and Alliance Formation”
Frontiers of Strategic Alliance Research: Negotiating, Structuring and Governing Partnerships, in Contractor, F.J., & Reuer, J. (Eds.)
Cambridge University Press, Chapter 18, 305-321 - Lavie, D. (2017)
“Exploration and Exploitation through Alliances”
in Mesquita L.F., Ragozzino., R., & Reuer J.J. (Eds.)
Collaborative Strategy: Critical Issues for Alliances and Networks
Edward Elgar Publishing, Chapter 23, 205-211 - Khanna, P., Lavie, D., & Haunschild, P. (2013)
“Operating Routines, Cultural Alignment, and Relational Mechanisms in Alliances”
in Das, T. K. (Ed.) Research in Strategic Alliances, Volume on Interpartner Dynamics in Strategic Alliances
Information Age Publishing, Chapter 2, 27-54 - Lavie, D., & Drori, I. (2012)
“Managing Collaborative Innovation in Nanotechnology Research Centers”
in Ran, B. (Ed.), Contemporary Perspectives on Technological Innovation, Management and Policy, Volume – The Dark Side of Technological Innovation
Information Age Publishing, Chapter 11, 285-321 - Lavie, D., Lechner, C., & Singh, H. (2012)
“Leveraging Multi-Partner Alliances in Technology-Driven Industries”
in Das, T. K. (Ed.), Research in Strategic Alliances, Volume on Managing Multipartenr Strategic Alliances
Information Age Publishing, Chapter 1, 1-22 - Lavie, D., & Miller, R. S. (2009)
“Alliance Portfolio Internationalization”
in Bergmann, Matthaus & Faust, Timotheus (Eds.), Handbook of Business and Finance: Multinational Companies, Venture Capital and Non-Profit Organizations, Hauppauge, NY
Nova Science Publishers, Chapter 2 - Lavie, D. (2007)
“The Competitive Advantage of Interconnected Firms”
in Wankel, C. (Ed.), The Handbook of 21st Century Management, New York
Sage Publications, Chapter 32, 324-334 - Lavie, D. (2006)
“Interconnected Firms and the Value of Network Resources”
Chapter 7, in Finkelstein, S., & Cooper, C. L. (Eds.), Advances in Mergers & Acquisitions (Vol. 5), Amsterdam
Elsevier, 127-141
- Friedmann, J., Lavie, D., & Rademaker, L. (2021)
“Does the predator become the prey? Knowledge leakage and role reversal in alliances”
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings of the 2021 annual conference, AOM Virtual (nominated for the AOM Carolyn B. Dexter Award) - Lavie, D., Lunnan, R., & Truong, B. M. T. (2020)
“How Does a Partner’s Acquisition Affect the Value of the Alliance?”
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings of the 2020 annual conference, AOM Virtual - Naumovska, I., & Lavie, D. (2019)
“When an Industry Peer Is Accused of Misconduct: Contagion vs. Competition Effects on Blameless Firms”
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings of the 2019 annual conference in Boston, Massachusetts - Findikoglu, M., & Lavie, D. (2015)
“The Contingent Value of the Dedicated Alliance Function”
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings of the 2015 annual conference in Vancouver, Canada - Capaldo, A., Lavie, D., & Petruzzelli, A. M. (2012)
“A Quest in Time: How the maturity, distance, and diffusion of knowledge affect innovation”
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings of the 2012 annual conference in Boston, Massachusetts - Stettner, U., & Lavie, D. (2011)
“The Performance Effects of Balancing Exploration and Exploitation Within and Across Governance Modes”
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference in San Antonio, Texas - Miller, S., Lavie, D., & Delios, A. (2011)
“The Performance Implications of International Intensity, Diversity, and Distance”
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference in San Antonio, Texas - Lavie, D., Kang, J., & Rosenkopf, L. (2009)
“The Performance Effects of Balancing Exploration and Exploitation within and across Alliance Domains”
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings of the 2009 annual conference in Chicago, Illinois - Lavie, D. (2007)
“Value Creation and Appropriation in Alliance Portfolios”
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings of the 2007 annual conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Lavie, D., & Rosenkopf, L. (2005)
“Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in Alliance Formation: A Multidimensional Perspective”
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings of the 2005 annual conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, pp B1-B6 - Lavie, D. (2004)
“The Evolution and Strategy of Interconnected Firms: A Study of the Unisys Alliance Network”
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings of the 2004 annual conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, pp E1-E6 - Lavie, D. (2002)
“The Competitive Advantage of Interconnected Firms: An Extension of the Resource-Based View”
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings of the 2002 annual conference in Denver, CO., pp C1-C6 - Lavie, D. & Fiegenbaum, A. (1998)
“Entry of Foreign Companies to Israel and Their Influence on the Strategic Positioning of Israeli Companies”
Proceedings of the 10th Industrial Engineering & Management Conference (IE&M), Haifa, Israel: 379-383.
- Lavie, D., & Aristizábal, M. (2018)
”Todovino and La Carte des Vins: Deal or No Deal?”
Case Study, Bocconi University, April 2018, 5pp - Lavie, D., & Fundikoglu, M. (2012)
“Sensing Partners: The Medical Diagnostics Alliance of Jeopardy and Sunshine”
Case Study, Technion, June 2012, 4pp - Lavie, D., & Amir, Y. (2011)
“The Zoltzar-Arbis Alliance in a Chase for the Fast Lane Market”
Case Study, Technion, February 2011, 2pp
- Lavie, D., Friedmann, J. & Rademaker, L. (2024)
“Knowledge spillover in alliances: Why predators don’t become prey”
Bocconi Knowledge, Bocconi University Magazine, August 2, 2024 - Lavie, D. (2024)
“Can We Solve Societal Grand Challenges by Designing a Prosocial Economic System?”
HEC The Grand Challenges Blog, July 16, 2024 - Lavie, D. (2024)
“Our system is broken. A cooperative economy can offer a long-term fix”
I by IMD, March 14, 2024 - Drori, I. & Lavie, D. (2024)
“Enabling the emergence of innovation ecosystems”
Journal of Management Studies Blog, February 8, 2024 - Lavie, D. & Drori, I. (2023)
“How to start a successful innovation ecosystem?”
Bocconi Knowledge, Bocconi University Magazine, December 18, 2023 - Keil, T., Lavie, D., Pavicevic, S., & Zangrillo, M. (2023)
“Wie Neue Ceos Am Besten Mit Widerstand Umgehen”
Harvard Business Manager, 5/2023, April 24, 2023 - Lavie, D. (2023)
“Is our economic system fixable? What could be an alternative?“
Public Sociology Blog, American Sociological Association, May 9, 2023 - Lavie, D., & Klarner, P. (2022)
“Do Risk Prone CEOs Really Promote Innovation?”
Bocconi Knowledge, Bocconi University Magazine, September 30, 2022 - Lavie, D., Lunnan, R., & Truong, B. M. T. (2022)
“Beware of Your Partners’ Acquisitions”
Bocconi Knowledge, Bocconi University Magazine, May 25, 2022
Also published on Eurekalert, May 13, 2022 - Naumovska, I., & Lavie, D. (2022)
“When Your Industry Peer Is Accused of Financial Misconduct, What Would Happen to You?” (同行企业财务造假,是拖累还是机会)
Management Insights, Spring Issue, 28: 22-27 (rewritten in Chinese by Zhi Liu), March 2022 - Keil, T., Lavie, D., & Pavicevic, S. (2021)
“Leading from Outside the Box”
viaSarfatti25, Bocconi University Magazine, October 1, 2021 - Lavie, D. (2021)
“It’s Stakeholders’ Sentiment to Make or Break a New CEO”
Bocconi Knowledge, Bocconi University Magazine, July 12, 2021 - Lavie, D. (2021)
“It Doesn’t Always Hurt When a Company in Your Industry Is Caught Cooking the Books”
Bocconi Knowledge, Bocconi University Magazine, May 19, 2021 - Lavie, D. (2019)
“Does a Dedicated Alliance Function Facilitate Value Creation in Alliances?”
viaSarfatti25, Bocconi University Magazine, July 1, 2019 - Shipilov, A., Hoffmann, W., Lavie, D., & Reuer, J. (2018)
“Managing the Paradoxes of Coopetition”
INSEAD Knowledge, November 21, 2018 - Lavie, D. (2018)
“How Can Managers Balance Innovation with Efficiency Requirements”
viaSarfatti25, Bocconi University Magazine, April 5, 2018 - Lavie, D., Lechner, C., & Singh, H. (2010)
“All for One and One for All”
TheMarker Journal, Special Issue on Breakthrough Management, October 2010, p. 42 - Lavie, D., Lechner, C., & Singh, H. (2008)
“All for One: Should a Company Join a Multipartner Alliance? Here Are the Questions to Ask”
Wall Street Journal – Business Insight (co-produced by MIT Sloan Management Review), May 12, 2008, p. R8 - Lavie, D., & Fiegenbaum, A. (1998)
“Entry of Foreign Companies and Their Competitive Advantage in the Israeli Market”
Executive Journal, 24 (April-May1998) - Lavie, D. (1997)
“Marketing Approach for the Development and Assimilation of Information Systems”
Executive Journal, 22 (December 1997- January 1998).